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How Do Kids Get Warts

How Do Kids Get Warts: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Warts are a common skin condition among children, often causing concern for parents. But how do kids get warts? Warts are small, rough growths on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). While warts are generally harmless, they can spread easily, especially among children who frequently engage in physical activities and share items like towels and toys. Understanding how warts develop, what causes them, and how to prevent their spread is crucial for keeping your child’s skin healthy.

In this article, we will explore how kids get warts, discuss the types of warts most commonly seen in children, and provide tips for prevention and treatment. By understanding the causes and risk factors, parents can take proactive steps to reduce the chance of warts spreading and ensure effective treatment when necessary.

How do kids get warts?
Kids get warts through direct contact with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the body through small cuts or breaks in the skin. Warts are contagious and can spread by touching a wart or surfaces that have come into contact with the virus, such as towels, toys, or playground equipment. Children are especially prone to warts due to their frequent physical contact with others and shared objects. Maintaining good hygiene, like handwashing and avoiding sharing personal items, can help prevent the spread of warts.

What Causes Warts in Kids? Understanding the Basics

Warts in kids are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which infects the top layer of the skin. This virus enters the body through small cuts, scrapes, or other breaks in the skin, making children more susceptible due to their active, playful nature. HPV thrives in warm, moist environments, making communal spaces like swimming pools, playgrounds, and school locker rooms common places where children can contract the virus.

While there are over 100 types of HPV, only a few cause warts on the skin. Once the virus enters the body, it can take weeks or even months for warts to develop. Kids may unknowingly spread the virus through direct contact or by touching contaminated surfaces.

Some common causes of warts in kids include:

  • Direct Contact: Warts can spread from person to person through skin-to-skin contact.
  • Contaminated Surfaces: Shared towels, toys, or surfaces like floors in locker rooms or pools can harbor the virus.
  • Immune System Factors: Kids with weaker immune systems may be more prone to developing warts because their bodies are less capable of fighting off the virus.

Warts are more common in children than in adults because of their frequent exposure to shared environments and their developing immune systems.

How Do Kids Get Warts: Common Ways the Virus Spreads

Contact with Infected Skin

Children can easily contract warts by touching someone else’s warts or their own, spreading the virus to different parts of their body.

Touching Contaminated Objects

Shared objects like toys, towels, or clothing can harbor the HPV virus. Children often touch these objects, increasing their risk of contracting warts.

Walking Barefoot in Public Spaces

Warts, especially plantar warts, can spread through walking barefoot in public areas like pools or gym showers where the virus thrives.

Small Cuts and Scrapes

Children’s active lifestyles often result in small cuts or abrasions on their skin. These tiny openings provide an entry point for HPV.

Weakened Immune Systems

Some children have weaker immune systems due to medical conditions or simply because their immune systems are still developing. This makes them more susceptible to the virus.

Different Types of Warts Found in Kids

Warts come in various forms, depending on the type of HPV and where the virus infects the body. Here are some common types of warts found in children:

  • Common Warts:
    These are raised, rough bumps that usually appear on the hands and fingers.
  • Plantar Warts:
    These warts grow on the soles of the feet and can be painful due to their location.
  • Flat Warts:
    Flat warts are smoother and smaller than common warts. They often appear on the face, legs, or back of the hands.
  • Filiform Warts:
    These warts have a thread-like appearance and typically grow on the face or neck.
  • Periungual Warts:
    These grow around the nails and can cause discomfort or even nail damage.

Each type of wart is caused by different strains of HPV, but all share the same mode of transmission through contact with the virus.

Prevention: How to Stop the Spread of Warts in Kids

While warts are contagious, parents can take proactive steps to reduce the risk of their children getting warts or spreading them to others.

Encourage Good Hygiene

Teach kids the importance of washing their hands regularly, especially after playing outside or touching shared surfaces.

Avoid Sharing Personal Items

Ensure that children do not share personal items like towels, shoes, or socks, as these can carry the virus.

Keep Skin Protected

Cover cuts, scrapes, or other skin injuries with a bandage to prevent the virus from entering the skin.

Use Footwear in Public Areas

Always make sure your child wears flip-flops or sandals in communal areas like pools or gym showers to reduce the risk of plantar warts.

Boost Their Immune System

Ensure your child eats a balanced diet, gets plenty of sleep, and stays active to keep their immune system strong and able to fight off infections.

How to Treat Warts in Kids: Effective Home and Medical Solutions

While warts can sometimes go away on their own, there are several treatments available to speed up the process or remove stubborn warts.

Home Remedies for Warts

  • Salicylic Acid:
    Available in over-the-counter products, salicylic acid can help peel away layers of the wart over time.
  • Duct Tape Method:
    Covering a wart with duct tape for several days may help suffocate the virus and remove the wart.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar:
    Soaking a wart in apple cider vinegar may help reduce its size and eventually remove it.

Medical Treatments

If home remedies are ineffective, medical treatments may be necessary, such as:

  • Cryotherapy:
    A doctor freezes the wart with liquid nitrogen, causing it to fall off after several sessions.
  • Laser Therapy:
    Laser treatment targets and destroys the blood vessels feeding the wart.
  • Immune System Boosters:
    Some treatments help boost the body’s immune response to fight off the virus causing the wart.

In any case, consulting a doctor is recommended if the wart causes pain, spreads, or doesn’t respond to home treatments.


Understanding how kids get warts is the first step toward preventing their spread and ensuring effective treatment. Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus, which can easily spread through contact with contaminated surfaces or skin. By practicing good hygiene, avoiding the sharing of personal items, and using proper treatments, parents can help their children avoid warts or remove them quickly when they do appear.


Q. How do kids get warts?
A. Kids get warts from direct contact with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which spreads through skin-to-skin contact or touching contaminated objects like towels or toys.

Q. Are warts contagious?
A. Yes, warts are contagious and can spread from person to person or through surfaces that have come into contact with the virus.

Q. Can warts go away on their own?
A. Some warts may disappear on their own as the body’s immune system fights off the virus, but others may require treatment.

Q. What are common places where kids can catch warts?
A. Public swimming pools, locker rooms, playgrounds, and shared towels or toys are common places where kids can catch warts.

Q. How can I prevent my child from getting warts?
A. Encourage handwashing, avoid sharing personal items, and ensure your child wears footwear in public areas like pools and showers.

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Bobbie Presley

Bobbie Presley is a passionate mom and child blogger, sharing her experiences and insights through a variety of kids-related blogs. She covers topics ranging from parenting tips to fun and educational activities for children, offering valuable advice and inspiration for fellow parents. Bobbie’s relatable and engaging content has made her a trusted voice in the parenting community, where she helps families navigate the joys and challenges of raising kids with creativity and care.

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